Our mission is to provide holistic opportunities to enable people to develop and transform their lives, families, and communities for the better.
Jammat fulfills the vision of the late Robert W. Lewis, Jr. and Wallace Bey, who originally incorporated the organization.
Robert W. Lewis, Jr. was an original incorporator of Jammat Housing & Community Development Corporation. Mr. Lewis was a businessman who served the West End community of the City of Providence for over 25 years. He was a tireless advocate for the underprivileged and the underserved. He was committed to being a catalyst for change in the community. It was Bob’s caring and compassion that led him to develop Jammat. He saw this as an opportunity to do good work in the community, by providing economic opportunities and social service care. It is in the spirit of his legacy that Jammat is continuing its efforts and expanding opportunities to serve the community.
Bob’s various efforts included voter registration, affordable housing opportunities, services for senior citizens, anti-drug rallies, employment opportunities for ex-offenders, and other efforts that changed lives. The building which houses Beautiful Beginnings Child Care Center was dedicated in his honor.
Wallace (Wali) Bey is also an original incorporator of Jammat and is the considered a mover and shaker of the Corporation. His commitment to the principles and mission of Jammat is evident in the work he does in making sure our clients who have graduated high school have opportunities to further their education in post-secondary environments or have viable economic opportunities.
Wali started the Youth Alternatives Program, designed to mentor young men remanded to the Rhode Island Training School. He has also formed linkages with New England Institute of Technology, Brown University and the local unions, that give our clients hope and the possibility to make permanent and positive changes in their lives.